Excel Import/Export Guide

Export data from OpenLab

  1. Find the data you want to export and click Export.

Load data into Excel

  1. In the menu, click Data.
  2. Choose From Text.
  3. Find and select the file you just exported.
  1. Make sure Original data type is set to Delimited (default).
  2. Start import at row should be set to 1 (default) and File origin should be UTF-8.
  3. Tick the My data has headers checkbox.
  4. Click Next.
  1. Make sure Delimiters is set to Semicolon.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Click the Advanced... button.
  1. Make sure Decimal separator is set to . (dot).
  2. Click OK.
  1. Click Finish.
  1. Click OK to place the data in the selected worksheet.

You should now see the imported data in the worksheet.

Load data into Excel (Alternative)

  1. In the menu, click Data.
  2. Choose From Text/CSV.
  3. Find and select the file you just exported.
  1. File origin should be UTF-8
  2. Delimiter should be Semicolon
  3. Click Edit
  1. Select all the columns by clicking each Column Header while holding down the Shift key.
  2. Select Use First Row as Headers

The following are for international users whose Excel uses a decimal seperator other than a decimal point.

  1. Click Replace Values to open up the Replace Values dialog box.
  2. Find all decimal points .
  3. Replace them with your program's decimal separator (in this case a comma ,)
  4. Click OK
  1. Change Data Type to Decimal Number
  2. Finally, click Close & Load

You should now see the imported data in the spreadsheet.

Save data from Excel

  1. In the menu, click File.
  2. Choose Options.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab.
  4. Verify that Decimal separator is . (dot). If not, uncheck Use system separators.
  5. Set Decimal separator to . (dot).
  6. Click OK.

You're now ready to save the CSV-file.

  1. Mark the file you want to save as.
  2. Make sure Save as type is set to CSV.
  3. Click Save.

Importing data back into OpenLab

  1. Navigate to the configuration screen where you want to import your data. Click Import.
  2. Select the file you saved with Excel.
  3. Click Open.

You should now see the updated data in the application. If there are errors in the data, you should see the errors highlighted, like this:

  1. The data with errors should be highlighted in red.
  2. In the top-right corner, you should see a description of the errors.