
Gravdal et. al. "A Hybrid Test Environment for Verification of Drilling Automation Systems". Paper SPE 204064. In proceedings of the SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, March 2021. Link to paper

Gravdal et. al. "A New Approach to Development and Validation of Artificial Intelligence Systems for Drilling". In proceedings of the 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, IEEE Xplore, 2020. Link to paper

Saadallah et. al. «OpenLab: Design and Applications of a Modern Drilling Digitalization Infrastructure". Paper SPE 195629. In proceedings at the SPE Norway One Day Seminar, 14 May, 2019. Link to paper

Ewald et. al. «Web Enabled High Fidelity Drilling Computer Model with UserFriendly Interface for Education, Research and Innovation". In proceedings at the 59th Conference on Simulation and Modelling (SIMS 59), 26-28 September, Oslo, 2018. Link to paper

Selected publications using OpenLab

Cayeux et. al. "The Role Of Semantic Networks In Mitigating Risk During Data Exchange In Multi-disciplinary Well Construction". SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Galveston, Texas, 2024.

Eivind Anton Sætre Skarstein, "Building a finite state automaton for physical processes using queries and counterexamples on long short-term memory models". Master's thesis, University of Bergen, June 2023. Link to thesis

Cayeux et. al. "Interoperability of Real-Time Drilling Signals at the Rig Site: An Example Based on Mechanical Specific Energy." Paper presented at the SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway, March 2023. Link to paper

Daireaux et. al. "Towards the Correct Interpretation of Real-Time Signals on the Well-Site." SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Stavanger, Norway, March 2023. Link to paper

Houmb et. al. "Intelligent Risk Based Cybersecurity Protection for Industrial Systems Control - A Feasibility Study." IPTC, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2023. Link to paper                                                                                                        

Mihai et. al. "Demonstration of Autonomous Drilling on a Full-Scale Test Rig." SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, October 2022. Link to paper                                                                                                                    

Ambrus et. al. "Rate of Penetration Prediction Using Quantile Regression Deep Neural Networks." ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, June 2022. Link to paper

Mihai et. al. "On Transitions Functions Model for Decision Making in OffshoreOperations*". IEEE 17th International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), July, 2022 Link to paper                                                                

Daireaux et. al. "Development, Testing and Validation of an Adaptive Drilling Optimization System." SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, March 2021. Link to paper

Cayeux et. al. "Autonomous Decision-Making While Drilling". MDPI Journal of Energies, Vol 14(4), 969, February 2021. Link to paper                                                                                                                            

Bansal et. al. "Development of a Bivariate Machine-Learning Approach for Decision-Support in Offshore Drilling Operations". In proceedings of the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and the 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, November 2020. Link to paper

Nystad et. al. "Micro-testing while drilling for rate of penetration optimization". International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Vol 84430, March 2020. Link to paper

Fjetland et al. "Kick Detection and Influx Size Estimation during Offshore Drilling Operations using Deep Learning". IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, September 2019. Link to paper

Cayeux et. al. "Toward Seamless Interoperability Between Real-Time Drilling Management and Control Applications." SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, The Netherlands, March 2019. Link to paper

Ambrus et al. "Automatic Detection of Anomalous Drilling Operations Using Machine Learning Methods and Drilling Process Simulations." Oil Gas European Magazine", 2019. Link to paper

Selected PhD and Master's thesis using OpenLab

Eivind Anton Sætre Skarstein, "Building a finite state automaton for physical processes using queries and counterexamples on long short-term memory models". Master's thesis, University of Bergen, June 2023. Link to thesis

Magnus Nystad, "Real-Time Data-Driven Drilling Optimization". PhD thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2021. Link to thesis                                                                      

Attila Nagy, "Availability and Quality of Drilling Data in the Volve Dataset", Master thesis, University of Stavanger, 2019. Link to paper                                                                                                                          

Andreas Kvalbein Fjetland "Kick Detection During Offshore Drilling using Artificial Intelligence". Master thesis, University of Agder, 2019. Link to paper                                                                                                            

Rasho Alo, "Developing a methodology for generating an influx management envelope in MPD operations". Master thesis, University of Stavanger, 2019. Link to paper                                                          

Selected references to Flow model and Numerical method in OpenLab

Lorentzen, R.J., Stordal, A. and Nævdal, G., SPE, IRIS, and Karlsen, H.A. and Skaug, H.J., University of Bergen, Department of Mathematics. Estimation of Production Rates With Transient Well-Flow Modeling and the Auxiliary Particle Filter. Paper SPE 165582, SPE Journal, pages 172-180, February 2014. Link to paper

Lorentzen, R.J., Fjelde. K.K., RF-Rogaland Research*. “Use of slopelimiter techniques in traditional numerical methods for multi-phase flow in pipelines and wells.” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Vol. 48: pages 723–745, 2005. Link to paper

Selected references to Temperature Model in OpenLab

Corre, B., Eymard, R. and Gounet, A. “Numerical computation of Temperature Distribution in a wellbore while drilling”. Paper SPE 132080 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and exhibition, Houston, 16-19 September, 1984. Link to paper

Childs, P.R.N., Long, C.A., "A Review of Forced Convective Heat Transfer in Stationary and Rotating Annuli". Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 1996. Link to paper

Selected references to Transient Cuttings transport model in OpenLab

Cayeux, E., IRIS – International Research Institute of Stavanger; Mesagan, T., Tanripada, S., and Zidan, M., Statoil; Fjelde, K.K., University of Stavanger. “Real-Time Evaluation of HoleCleaning Condidtions With a Transient Cuttings-Transport Model”. SPE 163492. Drilling and Completion Journal, March 2014. Link to paper

Selected references to Torque & Drag model in OpenLab

Yunfeng Yi et. al. «An Advanced Coiled Tubing Simulator for Calculations of Mechanical and Flow Effects; Model Advancements and Full-Scale Verification Experiments.” SPE 89455. 2004. Link to paper

Kyllingstad, Aa., RF-Rogaland Research*. “Buckling of tubular strings in curved wells.” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 209-218, January 1995. Link to paper